
Showing posts from September 27, 2019

Woman falls in love with DJ who played at her wedding.

An American woman fell in love with her wedding DJ and is now in a relationship with him just two years after she got married.  Megan Willis (26) from Baltimore, Maryland, met her current partner, DJ Mark Stone (49), in 2015 while she was in New York on wedding arrangements,  Metro UK  reports.  The bride-to-be then met up with her sister Kirsten, at a local restaurant where she was introduced to Mark who Kirsten booked for Megan’s upcoming wedding at the time. The wedding took place in July 2016, but a year later Megan became unhappy and felt neglected in her marriage,  Daily Mail  reports. She decided to visit Kirsten in New York again and found herself at the same restaurant she’d first met Mark – he co-owns it with his brother,  Sun UK  reports.  They started catching up and Megan opened up about her failing marriage.  “After that night the conversation continued because Mark was having similar issues in his marriage of 27 years. So we started chatting daily,” she sa

Man Under Fire for Criticizing President Muhammadu Buhari for Praying with a Group of Bishops

One Abu Nakhlah is under fire by posting a controversial post on Twitter of President Muhammadu Buhari who recently hosted a group of Catholic Bishops at the Presidential Villa.The Catholic Bishops paid a courtesy call to the President in Aso Rock, the seat of government.Nakhlah posted a statement on his twitter handle @A_ugirei with the caption “If I most do this as a President,I rather die  not to even become a local government chairman.Using emojis of himself in tears,we like you PMB,but this is not good walla “ Reacting swiftly to this post one Faisal Tanko was quick to condemn the post in its entirety by given this illustration of the Prophet