Recently, the social media agog with the tale of Kaffy being eight years older than her beau, Joseph Ameh, the international drummer who rolls with P Square. It's not unheard-of that a wife should be eight years older than her husband vis-à-vis but what matters in a relationship is love. This a lot of her followers quite agree and respect her decision on 'age is, but, a number'. One of the aides of the dance queen, Kaffy, we chatted with in Ajah, has responded many critics who are bashing the couple about their age differences . “What is the big deal about age that the social media are carrying about? Is Dare Art -Alade not younger than his wife? Kaffy and Jo love each other so much, that all that matter not age. This can't pull a string from their hair; so why making a mountain out of a mole hill,” her aide fired. Kaffy, the mother of two, who has a youthful visage despite her status, is expecting her third baby, her second for her husband, Joseph who p...