Monalisa Chinda Dumps Lanre Nzeribe; Lover Boy Threatens Brimstone

Going by the information reaching us, Monalisa Chinda has allegedly called it quit with alleged serial lover, Lanre
Nzeribe and the lover boy is allegedly threatening brimstone and fire.

We learnt that Monalisa dumped Lanre due to his alleged promiscuous ways, which the light-skinned screen queen got fed up of.

Efforts by some friends to make Monalisa accept Lanre back has reportedly met brick walls as the Rivers State-born actress is said to be ready for whatever action Lanre might allegedly take on the issue.

We once got a hint that Monalisa was allegedly forced into the relationship in the first place due to an issue Lanre allegedly capitalised on.

When contacted by on phone, Monalisa declined to speak with us on the matter but instead directed us to one Isaac, who we gathered is her aide. However, Isaac informed us that he has no information regarding this story.

Meanwhile, a source close to Monalisa authoritatively confirmed the break-up to The source confidently told us that Monalisa and Lanre are no more together as lovers.


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