
Showing posts from August 1, 2013

Marriage In The Air For Beverly Osu As She Proposes To Angelo

I am just trying to mind my business but Nigeria’s Big Brother Africa Chase representative, Beverly Osu will not cease to amaze me and always has a way of making me open up my trap. This time, she has taken her ‘love’ affair with South African house mate far by actually asking the guy to marry her just as their love is waxing stronger by the day. Just last night, in one of the few times I decided to watch the program, Beverly showed her vulnerability during an intimate moment with Angelo, she confessed how much she loved him. Hear them: “I try to deny that I love you because I’m thinking it’s too early to love you when I don’t know how you are in the outside world,” Beverly began, to which Angelo replied, “To be honest, I’m also kind of scared of knowing you on the outside.” Beverly quickly chipped in by saying she has told him everything there is to know about her, including how she used to sleep with men for money to take care of her family and how she once had an abort

Munachi Abii Emulates Cossy Orjiakor

Munachi Abii Emulates Cossy Orjiakor When Munachi Abii won the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageant in 2007, she cut the picture of an innocent looking young girl. The Port Harcourt, Rivers State, born Benson Idahosa University graduate has gone on to become a model, rapper, TV presenter, songwriter and above all, a celebrity and anything she does, kind of hits you in the face. Back then, she was a role model to many young girls and wore dresses that showed the dignity of womanhood. Before Before Before But these days, that innocence has been thrown into the bin and Munachi is gradually competing with the likes of ‘Boobstar’, Cossy Orjiakor, by exposing her mammary glands for all to see. Few weeks ago, Muna celebrated her birthday and her level of breast exposure was out of this world. Some may say it is her body and boobs and she is free to spill them. I don

Munachi Abii Emulates Cossy Orjiakor

Munachi Abii Emulates Cossy Orjiakor When Munachi Abii won the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageant in 2007, she cut the picture of an innocent looking young girl. The Port Harcourt, Rivers State, born Benson Idahosa University graduate has gone on to become a model, rapper, TV presenter, songwriter and above all, a celebrity and anything she does, kind of hits you in the face. Back then, she was a role model to many young girls and wore dresses that showed the dignity of womanhood. Before Before Before But these days, that innocence has been thrown into the bin and Munachi is gradually competing with the likes of ‘Boobstar’, Cossy Orjiakor, by exposing her mammary glands for all to see. Few weeks ago, Muna celebrated her birthday and her level of breast exposure was out of this world. Some may say it is her body and boobs and she is free to spill them. I don

Home « Back to Home « Older Entry | Newer Entry » Pastor arrested for convincing followers to give him Oral sex because his penis contained holy milk (PHOTO)

An Evangelical Pastor managed to abuse victims after convincing them that his penis contains HOLY MILK. The criminal: Valdeci Sobreni Picano of Brazil. Valdeci Sobrino Picanto is a Brazilian Evangelical Pastor. He has been arrested after deceiving the faithful using the name of the "Holy Spirit", by using these foolish lies. This criminal pastor claimed that the Holy Spirit would secrete from his penis in the form of "sacred milk". This pastor said that his penis was blessed and that "the Lord had consecrated him with divine milk of the Holy Spirit" and, of course, he had to release it in order to "evangelize". According to one of his victims... "He has convinced us that only God could come into our lives through our mouth and that's why he would do what he did". Often, after worship, pastor Valdeci would take us to the where the funds were kept at the back of the Church and asked us to have Oral sex with him unti

ASUU strike: NANS exco splits, disowns president

.Students, NANS, have disowned the national president, Mr. Yinka Gbadebo, on his support for the Federal Government in the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU. Some members of the executive told newsmen, yesterday, that students were largely unbiased in the crisis and the inclination of Mr. Gbadebo to support the government was a deviation from the students’ collective goal of resolving the crisis. The executive members who included national assistant secretary general, Ali Mohammed , the national sports director, Talib Abubakar Gumel,  director of travels and exchange, Olusegun Oyebisi, said there was no consultation on the issues before Gbadebo declared NANS support for the Federal Government. The students also dissociated NANS as a body from the ongoing face off between officials of the Federal Government and the Rivers State government saying that their president did not have any right to speak on the issue. “The national president did not have