Aki Denies Involvement In Rumoured Auto Accident In Niger State

Star Nollywood actor, Chinedu Ikedieze popularly known as Aki, has debunked rumour flying round that he and his 'cohort', Pawpaw were allegedly involved in an auto crash on their way to Niger State for a movie shoot. 

The rumour, as gathered by , Sam-Tsokwa Qpeed Blog sprung up from a purported Facebook page of Bukky Wright, which a source close to the actress has denied to come from the sexy seasoned actress. 

It was scooped that the purported post alleged that Aki and Pawpaw were involved in a ghastly road accident and the Nollywood stars rushed to the hospital for treatment. 

Speaking with Sam-Tsokwa Qpeed Blog when contacted to confirm the story, Aki vehemently denied being involved in a car crash as widely reported in some sections. 

An unhappy Aki wondered why some people would wish bad for their fellow human beings. He frowned at some bloggers who just write to draw traffic to their blogs. 

"Nothing of such happened to me. I really appreciate you calling to confirm the story. It shows you ( Sam-Tsokwa Qpeed Blog) are a professional," the multi-award winning husband and actor told us on phone. 

Osita Iheme, better known as Pawpaw, could not be reached by Sam-Tsokwa Qpeed Blog   as at press time.


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