Eight robbery suspects killed in Gombe

Gombe - The Police in Gombe have confirmed the killing of eight robbery suspects in Barunde area, a suburb of Gombe metropolis, in the early hours of Thursday.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the command, DSP Fwaje Atajiri, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Gombe on Thursday that the suspects were killed during a shoot-out with members of the Joint Task Force (JTF).

“Upon receiving a report early this morning, members of the JTF moved to a criminal hide-out in Barunde, where they engaged some criminals in a gun duel that lasted almost three hours.

“Eight of them were killed while many others were wounded,” he said.

Atajiri appealed to the people of the state to report any person they see with bullet wounds to security agents.

He said the suspects were among those that attacked a petrol filling station in Gombe metropolis recently, killing two policemen and later ransacking a supermarket.

The spokesperson urged residents, especially landlords in the state, to investigate tpotential tenants thoroughly before accommodating them.

Atajiri also called on them to provide useful information to security agencies whenever they noticed unusual movements in their domains, especially at at odd hours.


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